East Sooke Park

This is the trail where most of us first fell in love with trail running. From the Aylard Farm parking lot, we would head straight for Creyke Point, right on the Salish Sea, where we would often be greeted by a perched Eagle looking out over the strait.

From there the incredibly technical Coast Trail works its way along the coast for 11 hard fought kilometres to Iron Mine Bay. Most of our runs here involved the 6 kilometre journey via Beechy Head to Cabin Point, where an old trappers cabin remains. The coastal running is technical and slow, but so, so beautiful.

We have seen Orca and Humpback Whales here and too many sea lions to count. From Cabin Point, our typical 12 km, 2 hour route takes us into the interior of the park up to the summit of Babbington Hill, before a downhill and then rolling fast and flowy descent back to the starting point.

For longer days, a point to point journey is possible in approximately 3 hours from start to finish, or an out and back to soak in all of the coastal glory is possible in about 6 hours. Given the remote nature of these trails, travel time adds to the day, with about a 45 minute drive from downtown. But it is time well spent!